LD TechnoLogics

Research and development promotion and advocacy by LoloyD

Welcome to LD TechnoLogics, where LoloyD gets to play, promote and talk about
technology, logic and logical technologies.

Hi! I am LoloyD and I call my digital and technology-based research and development promotional activities and advocacy as LD TechnoLogics. I am also fond of making karaoke videos at YouTube with my channels at <https://www.youtube.com/c/JeffreyOcaya/videos> or <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyQID7aAjIL7sbh3ERrSYZw> and at <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGj-oAG_J-7gQqSHn7eyLGw>.

I also keep a virtual copy of my Management and Administration Principles (MAP) here, although I am no expert at giving advice on the subject. This is just a simple initiative for inspiring others on how to make/develop/create their own list of "leadership" principles so that they can collaborate better with their subordinates/colleagues/co-workers, and expectations can become clearer.

If you like my efforts and would like to donate, please click here. Read my FAQ to learn more about what this site is about and my "services" or hobby.

loloyd.org, loloyd.com, loloyd.net

Footer notes

"I'll be adding relevant material here soon."

Yeah, right

"The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to scratch it."

One of my favorite comedic anonymous quotes

"Burp at the front, fart at the back."

Air has to go somewhere, and either way can be impolite by Western social standards

"Whether you like it or else, this site uses cookies. On this site will rise... something. Words fail me. Thoughts fail me. Give me a kiss and enliven my inspiration. Hold me. Kiss my asinine comments. "
