Do you accept paid services for making karaoke videos?

The short answer is No.

The longer answer is, possibly, in a way, yes. You see, what I am doing here is not exactly an enterprise, or to put it bluntly, a commercially taxable enterprise. So, in order to do away with taxation and legal issues, I can only accept donations. If what you're requesting is acceptable to me and is aligned with my principles, values and hobbies, and as long as I have in my arsenal of resources the developmental tools for me to execute and implement your "request", then I may be able to do it. I expressly do not make any guarantee of reliability and/or guarantee of delivery though, so that expectations are very clear. This is to ensure that any monetary/currency gratuities that you send my way are expressly considered as gifts and donations, and nothing else. Please do not expect anything in return except my appreciation and thanks when you send me anything. I am expressly avoiding any legal ramifications on taxation and licensing violations on proprietary or trademarked content.

How do I contact you?

I am unsure. You can comment on my YouTube channel or on one of my videos though.

How do I donate?

You can use PayPal to send me a donation at https://paypal.me/LoloyD/. Philippine residents, visitors and international donors who can work out in sending to a GCash recipient can send their donations to +63 905 357-1424. Via the GCash route, my name as a recipient should show up as Jeffrey O.

What do I get for donating?

You get the satisfaction of making me happy and inspired in delivering more karaoke videos and in continuing my digital and technology-based innovations and development. I do not consider my "services" as a commercial enterprise. Please see my answer to the question on "Do you accept paid services for making karaoke videos?" for more details.

What is LD TechnoLogics

It is my expressive identity or "trademark" for fusing my blend of technology and logic.

Where can I see your work?

Who are you?

My nickname is LoloyD. My real name is Jeffrey Ocaya. I reside in the Metro Manila, Philippines. I work in Information Technology.

I manage the domains loloyd.org, loloyd.net and loloyd.com.